This Halloween season, many people will visit a haunted house. The thrill of being scared in a safe environment appeals to many haunted attraction visitors. But what happens when the safe environment may no longer be safe. What if the haunted house is truly haunted? For thrill seekers who may want more than a haunted attraction, here are five real Utah haunted places to check out if you dare.
Utah Haunted House 1: Rio Grande Train Depot at 300 S. Rio Grande St. Salt Lake City, Utah
The Rio Grande Railroad Depot is known as a restored Utah landmark, but it is also known as a very real haunted place. Visitors, even security guards have reported ghostly activity. The story of The Purple Lady, known as an apparition of a dark-haired woman who was killed by a train, is often in the ladies room or at the lower floor café in the building. Late at night there have been breathing noises and footsteps heard, and lights going on and off in the cellar when no one was around. Take a tour of the Rio Grande and find out for yourself.
Utah Haunted House 2: Brigham Young Farmhouse, 2601 E Sunnyside Ave Salt Lake City, Utah
Many unexplained phenomenon have been linked to this place, such as the sounds of children playing, talking, and laughing can be heard. The Farmhouse ballroom is one of the places that seem to be the most haunted. The ballroom was a popular place for social gatherings. The ghosts of those past parties seem to still be near. While this haunted place may be filled with the laughter of children, it is still considered bone chilling to think that there are apparitions at play in the Farmhouse.
Utah Haunted House 3: Westminster College, 1840 S. 1300 East Salt Lake City, Utah
This college is not just the home to some of the best and brightest, it is also said to be home to more than seven ghosts. Many students have claimed to have seen a woman in white in Converse Hall. This woman in white is supposed to have been a bride who was married in an old building near where the college stands now. The bride was killed in an accident on her honeymoon. This lady in white is said to linger near the place where she was married. Find out who the other six ghosts are by scheduling a tour of Westminster College.
Utah Haunted House 4: Devereaux Mansion, 340 W. South Temple Salt Lake City, Utah
Doors that open and close by themselves and cold spots have been reported at the Devereaux mansion. These events are credited to a ghostly young girl dressed in 1850s style clothing is often seen upstairs in the mansion. This little ghost acts just like any other little girl; she has been heard talking to herself, singing songs and humming in the hallways. And just like any little girl, she has been rumored to throw objects when she’s angry. Some Devereaux mansion visitors have insisted that this little girl has even shown up in their photographs. Visit our little miss and see if she’s willing to photo bomb your pictures.
Utah Haunted House 5: Trolley Square, 600 S. 700 East Salt Lake City, Utah
Trolley Square is not just a historic site, but a ghostly gathering ground. One of the most well-known ghosts is the “Bus Barn Painter” who has been seen roaming around the entrance. The Bus Barn Painter is said to be dressed in 1920s clothing. Some say he died in a fire at Trolley Square. Others say he was a man who worked there. Either way, his ghost is said to be alive and well at Trolley Square.
Whether or not you visit these real Utah haunted places, Strangling Brothers Haunted Circus invites you to experience a scare all your own at their haunted house in American Fork, Utah. This year, when the lights go out, the freaks come out! Get your haunted house tickets online now!